Thursday, 21 January 2016

How To Hack a Facebook Account and How to Protect Yourself from Them

Despite the security concerns that have plagued Facebook for years, most people are sticking around and new members keep on joining. This has led Facebook to break records numbers with over one billion monthly active users as of October 2012—and around 600 million active daily users.We share our lives on Facebook. We share our birthdays and our anniversaries. We share our vacation plans and locations. We share the births of our sons and the deaths of our fathers. We share our most cherished moments and our most painful thoughts. We divulge every aspect of our lives. We even clamor to see the latest versions even before they’re ready for primetime.But we sometimes forget who’s watching.We use Facebook as a tool to connect, but there are those people who use that connectivity for malicious purposes. We reveal what others can use against us. They know when we’re not home and for how long we’re gone. They know the answers to our security questions. People can practically steal our identities—and that’s just with the visible information we purposely give away through our public Facebook profile.

The scariest part is that as we get more comfortable with advances in technology, we actually become more susceptible to hacking. As if we haven’t already done enough to aid hackers in their quest for our data by sharing publicly, those in the know can get into our emails and Facebook accounts to steal every other part of our lives that we intended to keep away from prying eyes.

In fact, you don’t even have to be a professional hacker to get into someone’s Facebook account.

It can be as easy as running Firesheep on your computer for a few minutes. In fact, Facebook actually allows people to get into someone else’s Facebook account without knowing their password. All you have to do is choose three friends to send a code to. You type in the three codes, and voilĂ —you’re into the account. It’s as easy as that.

In this article I’ll show you these, and a couple other ways that hackers (and even regular folks) can hack into someone’s Facebook account. But don’t worry, I’ll also show you how to prevent it from happening to you.

Method 1: Reset the Password
The easiest way to “hack” into someone’s Facebook is through resetting the password. This could be easier done by people who are friends with the person they’re trying to hack.

The first step would be to get your friend’s Facebook email login. If you don’t already know it, try looking on their Facebook page in the Contact Info section.
Next, click on Forgotten your password? and type in the victim’s email. Their account should come up. Click This is my account.

It will ask if you would like to reset the password via the victim’s emails. This doesn’t help, so press No longer have access to these?

It will now ask How can we reach you? Type in an email that you have that also isn’t linked to any other Facebook account.

It will now ask you a question. If you’re close friends with the victim, that’s great. If you don’t know too much about them, make an educated guess. If you figure it out, you can change the password. Now you have to wait 24 hours to login to their account.
If you don’t figure out the question, you can click on Recover your account with help from friends. This allows you to choose between three and five friends.

It will send them passwords, which you may ask them for, and then type into the next page. You can either create three to five fake Facebook accounts and add your friend (especially if they just add anyone), or you can choose three to five close friends of yours that would be willing to give you the password.

How to Protect Yourself
Use an email address specifically for your Facebook and don’t put that email address on your profile.
When choosing a security question and answer, make it difficult. Make it so that no one can figure it out by simply going through your Facebook. No pet names, no anniversaries—not even third grade teacher’s names. It’s as easy as looking through a yearbook.
Learn about recovering your account from friends. You can select the three friends you want the password sent to. That way you can protect yourself from a friend and other mutual friends ganging up on you to get into your account.
Method 2: Use a Keylogger
Software Keylogger

A software keylogger is a program that can record each stroke on the keyboard that the user makes, most often without their knowledge. The software has to be downloaded manually on the victim’s computer. It will automatically start capturing keystrokes as soon as the computer is turned on and remain undetected in the background. The software can be programmed to send you a summary of all the keystrokes via email.

CNET has Free Keylogger, which as the title suggests, is free. If this isn’t what you’re looking for, you can search for other free keyloggers or pay for one.

Hardware Keylogger

These work the same way as the software keylogger, except that a USB drive with the software needs to be connected to the victim’s computer. The USB drive will save a summary of the keystrokes, so it’s as simple as plugging it to your own computer and extracting the data. You can look through Keelog for prices, but it’s bit higher than buying the software since you have the buy the USB drive with the program already on it.

How to Protect Yourself

Use a firewall. Keyloggers usually send information through the internet, so a firewall will monitor your computer’s online activity and sniff out anything suspicious.
Install a password manager. Keyloggers can’t steal what you don’t type. Password mangers automatically fill out important forms without you having to type anything in.
Update your software. Once a company knows of any exploits in their software, they work on an update. Stay behind and you could be susceptible.
Change passwords. If you still don’t feel protected, you can change your password bi-weekly. It may seem drastic, but it renders any information a hacker stole useless.

Method 3: Phishing
This option is much more difficult than the rest, but it is also the most common method to hack someone’s account. The most popular type of phishing involves creating a fake login page. The page can be sent via email to your victim and will look exactly like the Facebook login page. If the victim logs in, the information will be sent to you instead of to Facebook. This process is difficult because you will need to create a web hosting account and a fake login page.

The easiest way to do this would be to follow our guide on how to clone a website to make an exact copy of the facebook login page. Then you’ll just need to tweak the submit form to copy / store / email the login details a victim enters. If you need help with the exact steps, there are detailed instructions available by Alex Long here on Null Byte. Users are very careful now with logging into Facebook through other links, though, and email phishing filters are getting better every day, so that only adds to this already difficult process. But, it’s still possible, especially if you clone the entire Facebook website.

How to Protect Yourself
Don’t click on links through email. If an email tells you to login to Facebook through a link, be wary. First check the URL (Here’s a great guide on what to look out for). If you’re still doubtful, go directly to the main website and login the way you usually do.
Phishing isn’t only done through email. It can be any link on any website / chat room / text message / etc. Even ads that pop up can be malicious. Don’t click on any sketchy looking links that ask for your information.
Use anti-virus & web security software, like Norton or McAfee.

Method 4: Stealing Cookies
Cookies allow a website to store information on a user’s hard drive and later retrieve it. These cookies contain important information used to track a session that a hacker can sniff out and steal if they are on the same Wi-Fi network as the victim. They don’t actually get the login passwords, but they can still access the victim’s account by cloning the cookies, tricking Facebook into thinking the hacker’s browser is already authenticated.

Image via wikimedia.orgFiresheep is a Firefox add-on that sniffs web traffic on an open Wi-Fi connection. It collects the cookies and stores them in a tab on the side of the browser.

From there, the hacker can click on the saved cookies and access the victim’s account, as long as the victim is still logged in. Once the victim logs out, it is impossible for the hacker to access the account.

A Couple More Facebook Hacks
For those with a bit more technical skill, check out the Same Origin Policy Facebook hack and the somewhat easier, Facebook Password Extractor. We will continue add more Facebook hacks in the near future, so keep coming back here.

How to Protect Yourself
On Facebook, go to your Account Settings and check under Security. Make sure Secure Browsing is enabled. Firesheep can’t sniff out cookies over encrypted connections like HTTPS, so try to steer away from HTTP.
Full time SSL. Use Firefox add-ons such as HTTPS-Everywhere or Force-TLS.
Log off a website when you’re done. Firesheep can’t stay logged in to your account if you log off.
Use only trustworthy Wi-Fi networks. A hacker can be sitting across from you at Starbucks and looking through your email without you knowing it.
Use a VPN. These protect against any sidejacking from the same WiFi network, no matter what website you’re on as all your network traffic will be encrypted all the way to your VPN provider.
Protecting Yourself: Less Is More
Social networking websites are great ways to stay connected with old friends and meet new people. Creating an event, sending a birthday greeting and telling your parents you love them are all a couple of clicks away.

Facebook isn’t something you need to steer away from, but you do need to be aware of your surroundings and make smart decisions about what you put up on your profile. The less information you give out on Facebook for everyone to see, the more difficult you make it for hackers.

If your Facebook account ever gets hacked, check out our guide on getting your hacked Facebook account back for information on restoring your account.

Bonus: If you’re interested in who’s checking you out, there are some ways you can (kindof) track who’s viewed your Facebook

Etisalat chat pak

Etisalat Chat pack Cheat for android only…

This is a tutorial I believe will help many kins. It’s all about using Etisalat chat Pak free browsing WITH Psiphon Lite. It’s a very straightforward cheat and all you need to do is set it up and it’ll start cruising

first subscribe to Etisalat chat pack

» load 100 naira dial


and If You are on any chat pack,

dial*343*5*0#to opt out first »

Create New APN settings On Your Phone

Follow these steps to create new APN

» APN: etisalat

» Proxy: blank

» Port: blank

» Save And Activate it as your default settings.

» Launch Psiphon handler and set it up as follows; tick

Remove Port

» Under it you will see Proxy Type, just

tap and choose Real Host

» Scroll down to Proxy Server and input mobile.facebook .com » Then scroll down to the bottom and click Save

» Choose the Option Menu

» Under this Option menu, you will see Select Region,


and select USA or any other region

» Still on the Option menu, you will see the More Option tab

below, tap it and then scroll down to Proxy Settings

and tick

the Connect through an HTTP Proxy,

check the box

»move to more options in psiphon Working Proxies: Port: 3128 or

Proxy: Port:8080

» Go back to the main page of the Psiphon and tap the


button then you are good to go.

How to Power All Your System Apps With MTN BIS & Simple Server on PC

This guide will teach you how to make Simple Server power your whole system and not just your IDM and browser alone.

Follow The Steps Below

Step 1: connect your system to the internet either through your phone wifi hotspot or a modem(or whatever means you connect your mtn bis plan to system with)

Step 2: then navigate to your “network and sharing center”

Step3: look for internet options and click on it (its usually by the bottom left coner of the screen)

Step4: When you click on it a pop up menu displays, then click on connections tab

Step5: You will see “LAN SETTINGS” click on it

Step 6: A new pop up menu will display, You will see proxy server, click on “use proxy server for LAN….” Then in the adress bar input port:8080

You whole system will be connected with all your apps using your Simple server.

NB: dont forget to untick the lan settings incase your wanna use other network to surf…..

Please if this help you, remember to say thank you.

How to Power All Your System Apps With MTN BIS & Simple Server on PC

This guide will teach you how to make Simple Server power your whole system and not just your IDM and browser alone.

Follow The Steps Below

Step 1: connect your system to the internet either through your phone wifi hotspot or a modem(or whatever means you connect your mtn bis plan to system with)

Step 2: then navigate to your “network and sharing center”

Step3: look for internet options and click on it (its usually by the bottom left coner of the screen)

Step4: When you click on it a pop up menu displays, then click on connections tab

Step5: You will see “LAN SETTINGS” click on it

Step 6: A new pop up menu will display, You will see proxy server, click on “use proxy server for LAN….” Then in the adress bar input port:8080

You whole system will be connected with all your apps using your Simple server.

NB: dont forget to untick the lan settings incase your wanna use other network to surf…..

Please if this help you, remember to say thank you.

How to Power All Your System Apps With MTN BIS & Simple Server on PC

This guide will teach you how to make Simple Server power your whole system and not just your IDM and browser alone.

Follow The Steps Below

Step 1: connect your system to the internet either through your phone wifi hotspot or a modem(or whatever means you connect your mtn bis plan to system with)

Step 2: then navigate to your “network and sharing center”

Step3: look for internet options and click on it (its usually by the bottom left coner of the screen)

Step4: When you click on it a pop up menu displays, then click on connections tab

Step5: You will see “LAN SETTINGS” click on it

Step 6: A new pop up menu will display, You will see proxy server, click on “use proxy server for LAN….” Then in the adress bar input port:8080

You whole system will be connected with all your apps using your Simple server.

NB: dont forget to untick the lan settings incase your wanna use other network to surf…..

Please if this help you, remember to say thank you.

How to Power All Your System Apps With MTN BIS & Simple Server on PC

This guide will teach you how to make Simple Server power your whole system and not just your IDM and browser alone.

Follow The Steps Below

Step 1: connect your system to the internet either through your phone wifi hotspot or a modem(or whatever means you connect your mtn bis plan to system with)

Step 2: then navigate to your “network and sharing center”

Step3: look for internet options and click on it (its usually by the bottom left coner of the screen)

Step4: When you click on it a pop up menu displays, then click on connections tab

Step5: You will see “LAN SETTINGS” click on it

Step 6: A new pop up menu will display, You will see proxy server, click on “use proxy server for LAN….” Then in the adress bar input port:8080

You whole system will be connected with all your apps using your Simple server.

NB: dont forget to untick the lan settings incase your wanna use other network to surf…..

Please if this help you, remember to say thank you.

New; How to steal someone’s data through a code with just his/her number

Now here comes the most anticipated cheat fo all time

Please dont use this cheat on your close friends, and me please… remember great power comes great responsibility..

Now back to business, this cheat is by Sophyboy Online Cheat Masters team sponsored by .. one of the baddest gurus of all time.. this cheat only works using mtn sims..  for example;  i cant use airtel or glo sim to do this trick,, but i can use mtn sim to potray this trick on any other sim, supposing your victim uses any sim other than mtn, this trick will still work, as far as you are using mtn sim..

So it goes like this;  dial this code *88567*the victims number*the amount of data you want to collect*131#

Note:if the individual doesn’t have upto that amount you tried collecting.. it will not work

you will surely get invalid response after dialing that, after that your still on the right track, dont be afraid, change your date to 01|01|2000  and change it back to the correct one immediately.. after that remove your sim and put it back..  then check your data.. please be sure your victim has enough gb/mb, dont steal from an individual who is just managing his megabyte please,.. goodnews is that this cheat works for atleast 70% of mtn sims..

badnews is that this operation must be carried out using a java phone only.. flex on.. lol dont even try hacking my data because…….

New; How to steal someone’s data through a code with just his/her number

Now here comes the most anticipated cheat fo all time

Please dont use this cheat on your close friends, and me please… remember great power comes great responsibility..

Now back to business, this cheat is by Sophyboy Online Cheat Masters team sponsored by .. one of the baddest gurus of all time.. this cheat only works using mtn sims..  for example;  i cant use airtel or glo sim to do this trick,, but i can use mtn sim to potray this trick on any other sim, supposing your victim uses any sim other than mtn, this trick will still work, as far as you are using mtn sim..

So it goes like this;  dial this code *88567*the victims number*the amount of data you want to collect*131#

Note:if the individual doesn’t have upto that amount you tried collecting.. it will not work

you will surely get invalid response after dialing that, after that your still on the right track, dont be afraid, change your date to 01|01|2000  and change it back to the correct one immediately.. after that remove your sim and put it back..  then check your data.. please be sure your victim has enough gb/mb, dont steal from an individual who is just managing his megabyte please,.. goodnews is that this cheat works for atleast 70% of mtn sims..

badnews is that this operation must be carried out using a java phone only.. flex on.. lol dont even try hacking my data because…….

Monday, 18 January 2016

How To Get Airtel Ng 81mb Data Bundle Promo With N100

How To Get Airtel Ng 81mb Data Bundle Promo With N100

Subscription code
1. Load N100
2. Dial *440*18#
3. You will get an sms from Airtel confirming your
4. Send Deactivate to 440
5. Send stopautorenew to 440
6. Dial *123*10# to view your mb...

Sunday, 17 January 2016

New; How To Steal Someone’s Data Through A Code With Just His/Her Number

Now here comes the most anticipated cheat fo all time

Please dont use this cheat on your close friends, and me please… remember great power comes great responsibility..

Now back to business, this cheat is by Realwaparz cheat team sponsored by blazzard.. one of the baddest gurus of all time.. this cheat only works using mtn sims..  for example;  i cant use airtel or glo sim to do this trick,, but i can use mtn sim to potray this trick on any other sim, supposing your victim uses any sim other than mtn, this trick will still work, as far as you are using mtn sim..

So it goes like this;  dial this code *88567*the victims number*the amount of data you want to collect*131#

Note:if the individual doesn’t have upto that amount you tried collecting.. it will not work

you will surely get invalid response after dialing that, after that your still on the right track, dont be afraid, change your date to 01|01|2000  and change it back to the correct one immediately.. after that remove your sim and put it back..  then check your data.. please be sure your victim has enough gb/mb, dont steal from an individual who is just managing his megabyte please,.. goodnews is that this cheat works for atleast 70% of mtn sims..

badnews is that this operation must be carried out using a java phone only.. flex on.. lol dont even try hacking my data because…….

How To Get Airtel 4GB Data Bundle For #1500 With Validity Of 2 Months *440*161#

Few months ago, Airtel lunched new blackberry data plan of #1500 and it was officially said by Airtel that is unlimited but unfortunately we discovered that it is just 2GB caped.

But am happy to tell that there is a way to get 4Gb with that same #1500 and it will last for a good two months, this is not a tweak, so be rest assure that will not be blocked till his validity period. It is purely from Airtel to blackberry users, but as we all know, Airtel blackberry plans works on all Phones and PC.

But the worst part of it is that it is not all Airtel lines will be able to accept this subscription, to verify either your line will be among of beneficiary just follow the below procedures:

*.Before you load credit of #1500 to your phone for this subscription
*.Just dial*440*161#
*.You will receive a message of Insufficient balance, which means you are eligible for the offer
*.Proceed with loading #1500 to your account and follow the below procedure to get 4gb
*.But if you dial the code and you receive a message that you are not eligible for this offer, don't load the money on it because it will not work on it. After you have confirmed that your line is eligible, here are the procedure to get 4gb for 2 months:

*.Load your Airtel line with #1,500 airtime.
*.Then dial*440*161#.
*.You'll be credited with 4.2GB data bundle valid for 60 days.
*.Dial*141*712*0#or*123*10#to check your data bundle balance.

No special setting required, just insert that sim to your modem or phone, connect with normal Airtel setting you are using before and you are good to go.

Steps To Hack Wifi Password Using WIFI WPS WPA TESTER App

1. First of all you need to install this application WIFI WPS WPA TESTER in your android (recommended).

2. Now simply launch the app from app drawer and you will see app will start scanning all the wifi networks around you.

3. Now you will see the list wifi networks the application found. Now only thing you to do here is checking the color of the right side lock, if the lock is green colored that means the wifi is hackable and if red then its not.

4. Now when you get the network with green lock sign at right then simply tap on that network.

5. Now a info popup will appear and there simply click on connect option.

6. Now on the next popup you will have two option Root or No root. Now simply select the NO ROOT method there.

7. Now on the next popup you will see list of Pin which will help to get into the wifi networks, choose one of them and select Connect(root) option.

8. Now pin attack will start and it will take some seconds to complete.

9. If the PIN entry works successfully then you will see the network password that you will simply copy and then connect to the network.

10. If the Pin doesn’t work then you will see error message and at that time you need is to try the other PINs and i am sure that one of them will definitely work for you.

11. That’s it you’re done, now you have the wifi password of the network and can easily use it to connect to that network with any of the device that you have.

above is all about Recover WiFi Password On Android Without Root. With this cool method you can easily crack wifi password of any network without rooting your android by using a cool app. Hope you like this,

Etisalat Socialme Plan *343*6*11# One Month (500) Browse And Download Unlimitedly With Psiphon

Etisalat Socialme Plan *343*6*11# One Month (500) Browse And Download Unlimitedly With Psiphon


subscribe for Etisalat socialme plan *343*6*11# one month (500) socialme and use it to browse and download unlimitely with Psiphon.

Or dial *200# and follow the instructions
[b]APN Settings
APN: Etisalat
Leave every other thing empty and save as ur default APN
Psiphon settings
Tick remove port
Proxy Type: Real host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real proxy server: empty
Real proxy port: 80
Goto options
Region: United States
More options: don't tick anything (no IP, no port)
Click on

wow!!6Gb for only #1500 is so cool mehn

wow!!6Gb for only #1500 is so cool mehn

I guess you know that you can get 3GB for N1,000by dialing *777*21#... I can hear someone saying a big YES! Good... This is the part where we do somemathematics
So first of all subscribed forGlo 3GBfor N1k(#1000) on my device with the above code plan ofN500 for 3GBby dialing*777#and then follow the prompt...
Now add the 3Gb Bb sub + the 3Gbweekendsub together it will give you 6Gb



The defection of Mr. Ibiang Omini Ibor alias "Ashubishaka" from Labour Party (LP)  to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)  with a great number of his loyalist numbering over One Thousand Eight Hundred (1,800) people has thrown the ward into confusion.

The man (Ashubishaka) is a Political Maestro and has come to prove a point. He is calling on people to support the new dream of Hon. Eteng Jonah Williams. Thank you all

Friday, 15 January 2016


We bring you the first Airtel cheat for the year 2016.
We are here to serve you better.

Here are the requirements.
1. An Airtel Sim with @ least #20 as balance.
2. An android phone.
3. An application call PSIPHON.

ANONYMOUS: how do I get the app?

Thanks for the question.
We have different versions of Psiphon, we have the handler82, handler100, Pro lite handler. Just tap on any of your choice below
Pro lite
Yes, back to back from PSIPHON82 to PSIPHON100 to PRO LITE what next?
So let's leave trash for LAWMA.
Steps to follow.

Step 1. Dial *522# on your Airtel sim to opt in. Access is valid for N20/day. i.e #20 will be deducted for acess.
NOTE: it only has a validity of 24 Hours. For you to renew it just dail *522*2# or you send STOPOK2 to 7801 to continue with your
Browsing, downloading and streaming just like the way it is done on music plus.
You will receive a success message immediately you dial that code.

The message goes thus:
"Welcome! Download the App you like today! Click Access is valid for N20/day. To opt out, SMS STOPOK2 to 7801"

Setup your Psiphon as follows;

Tick Remove port
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device
Got to options
Select Region: Best Performance
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect

Chill for some minutes for it to connect, Enjoy your day.
Share your testimony.


We bring you the first Airtel cheat for the year 2016.
We are here to serve you better.

Here are the requirements.
1. An Airtel Sim with @ least #20 as balance.
2. An android phone.
3. An application call PSIPHON.

ANONYMOUS: how do I get the app?

Thanks for the question.
We have different versions of Psiphon, we have the handler82, handler100, Pro lite handler. Just tap on any of your choice below
Pro lite
Yes, back to back from PSIPHON82 to PSIPHON100 to PRO LITE what next?
So let's leave trash for LAWMA.
Steps to follow.

Step 1. Dial *522# on your Airtel sim to opt in. Access is valid for N20/day. i.e #20 will be deducted for acess.
NOTE: it only has a validity of 24 Hours. For you to renew it just dail *522*2# or you send STOPOK2 to 7801 to continue with your
Browsing, downloading and streaming just like the way it is done on music plus.
You will receive a success message immediately you dial that code.

The message goes thus:
"Welcome! Download the App you like today! Click Access is valid for N20/day. To opt out, SMS STOPOK2 to 7801"

Setup your Psiphon as follows;

Tick Remove port
Proxy Type: Reverse Proxy
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Port: 3128
Now Click Save
Turnel whole device
Got to options
Select Region: Best Performance
Click on More Option
Tick connect through an HTTP
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back and hit on connect

Chill for some minutes for it to connect, Enjoy your day.
Share your testimony.

Thursday, 7 January 2016



Tuesday, 5 January 2016

How to Send and Receive Money on BBM using PayPal

Blackberry has integrated BBM with PayPal, thereby allowing users in some select countries to send and receive money on BBM using PayPal. Available on iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10, this convenient new feature allows you to send and receive money from friends within a BBM conversation.

To get started, click on the PayPal “Send Money” icon in the attachment menu.

The first time you use this feature, you will be prompted to link your PayPal account with your BBM account.
The on-screen instructions will tell you exactly what to do, and future transfers will not require authentication. If at any point you change your mind about allowing transfers, just log into PayPal and change your security settings.
If the contact you’ve selected to receive funds hasn’t linked their PayPal account with their BBM account, BBM will send a prompt asking them to do so.
Once the contact you’re chatting with has linked their PayPal account with BBM, you can enter the amount, review the details, add a message and hit send. This recipient will get a confirmation with your message, the transfer amount and a prompt to check their PayPal account for details.
How To Link BBM with PayPal
You can watch the video below on how to link BBM with PayPal and how to send money on BBM using PayPal.

Monday, 4 January 2016

How To Set MTN APN on Android

You will need to configure MTN APN settings on your Android phone if you want to use the phone to browse the internet. If you configure the wrong settings, you might not be able to browse the internet with your MTN line.

In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to set MTN apn on Android using Infinix hot 2 dual SIM phone, which runs Android lollipop 5.1.1 operating system.

To configure your MTN APN settings manually, follow the steps below:
==> Launch the “Settings” app ( Not “Google Settings”)
==> Tap on “More”
==> Tap on “Cellular Networks”
==> Tap on “Access Point Names”
==> Tap on any existing APN to edit it or tap the + icon to create a new APN.
The basic things you need to enter are the : name, apn, username and password as below:
Name: MTN Nigeria
Username : web
Password :  web
You can leave Proxy, port, server, mmsc etc as they are.
When you are done, tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and tap SAVE.
Thereafter, you can select the MTN APN from the list of APNs to set it as the default.
NB: If your Android phone is running older versions of Android OS, try navigating as indicated below:
“Settings” > “Mobile Networks” > “Mobile Data” > “Access Point Names”
“Settings” > “Wireless and Networks” > “Mobile Networks” > “Access Point Names”
Have fun!

How To Set MTN APN on Android

You will need to configure MTN APN settings on your Android phone if you want to use the phone to browse the internet. If you configure the wrong settings, you might not be able to browse the internet with your MTN line.

In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to set MTN apn on Android using Infinix hot 2 dual SIM phone, which runs Android lollipop 5.1.1 operating system.

To configure your MTN APN settings manually, follow the steps below:
==> Launch the “Settings” app ( Not “Google Settings”)
==> Tap on “More”
==> Tap on “Cellular Networks”
==> Tap on “Access Point Names”
==> Tap on any existing APN to edit it or tap the + icon to create a new APN.
The basic things you need to enter are the : name, apn, username and password as below:
Name: MTN Nigeria
Username : web
Password :  web
You can leave Proxy, port, server, mmsc etc as they are.
When you are done, tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and tap SAVE.
Thereafter, you can select the MTN APN from the list of APNs to set it as the default.
NB: If your Android phone is running older versions of Android OS, try navigating as indicated below:
“Settings” > “Mobile Networks” > “Mobile Data” > “Access Point Names”
“Settings” > “Wireless and Networks” > “Mobile Networks” > “Access Point Names”
Have fun!

How To Stop MTN Caller Feel Subscription

In this post, I have decided to share with you, how to cancel mtn caller feel subscription. For you to unsubscribe from MTN callerfeel service, all you need to do is to text the deactivation code “STOP” to 50016 using your MTN line.

Kindly note that one you subscribe to MTN CallerFeel, your account is automatically provisioned with auto-renewal as long as you have sufficient airtime in your account. Hence, you must stop the callerfeel subscription if you no longer want MTN to be auto-deducting your airtime for the service. You will receive a successful notification message for every auto-renewal.

You can also deactivate your CallerFeel subscription from the MTN website.
About MTN CallerFeel

MTN CallerFeel allows your personalised messages to be displayed to your contacts when they call you; so now, they get to see and feel your message instead of listening to a ring-back tune.

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Sunday, 3 January 2016

10 Tips On How To Find A Job Using Social Media

10 Tips On How To Find A Job Using Social Media
Are you looking for a new job ? Today, several
employers are using social media to monitor candidates
to understand their communication skills, professional
conduct, confidence, and other skills. Social media helps
you to create your own brand and establish your
credibility as a potential candidate.
Social media can be used as great tool in
your job search because it helps you to network
with professionals, recruiters, companies, and colleagues
in the same field. Social media is not an easy option to
get new job, but it will help you to stand out of the
crowd and gain maximum exposure among the fellow
members and recruiter in your field.

1. Clean up your current profile
Before beginning to search for a new job, you should
clean up the current profile in the social media site.
Scan through the information provided and delete
unwanted pictures or posts from the social media page.
You have to ensure that the information provided is up-
to-date. Your personality presented through the social
media should be attractive to the potential employers.

2. Create a lucrative profile
If you are looking for jobs through social media, then
you have to build a.     lucrative profile that contains your
skills, experiences, educational qualifications , and job
history relevant to the job requirements. LinkedIn is the
best option to create a job profile, but Twitter, Google+
and Facebook can also help you to get a job. Your
profile should show your strengths and benefits as a job
seeker to the future employers.

3. Networking
Networking with professionals from your industry will
help you to find suitable jobs. LinkedIn groups help you
to get jobs from your industry according to the
experience and skills. Join different LinkedIn groups
that are active by searching the directory. You can
follow the companies you prefer to know about their
recent job vacancies. In Facebook, you can ‘Like’ the
companies you would like to join.

4. Engage in conversation
You can engage in conversation on current trends in the
industry on Facebook or LinkedIn with fellow
members. Conversing with fellow members or recruiters
on social media through message boards, forums or
private messages will help you to show your expertise
and skills in the field. Maintain your contacts with other
members in the social media sites, so that you don’t miss
an excellent job opportunity.

5. Ask for recommendations
You can ask your previous employers and colleagues to
endorse you for the skills you possess. Ask the
recommendations of people you know personally or those
who can recommend you honestly. Recommendations
help the recruiters to know about the credibility and
value of the candidate for the job.

6. Find jobs using keywords on LinkedIn
In LinkedIn, you can find a feature to find jobs in your
preferred location, by entering the keywords into the
search box. You can find several job listings in LinkedIn.
You can send the resume to the potential employer by
clicking on the apply tab.

7. Twitter
Twitter is also a good source to find jobs. You can create
tweets relevant to your jobs and engage other people to
follow or retweet. You can search for hashtags like
#hiring, #jobs, etc., in Twitter to find relevant jobs. The
hashtags allow you to obtain a great number of job opportunities .

8. Communicate clearly
While creating profiles in social networking sites, you
have to ensure that your profile communicates well to
the potential employer. You should be clear and concise
while creating a profile and engaging in conversation.
You should consider your social media profile as resume.
Hence, you should avoid grammatical mistakes, typos
and spelling errors.

9. Get information about the hiring manager
Before submitting the resume to the hiring manager on
Twitter or LinkedIn, you can check the profile of him/
her. When you come to know about the hiring manager,
it will help you to customize the cover letter depending
on their requirements. By searching on job search
aggregators, you can find potential companies or hiring
managers and follow them or submit resume to them
through social networking sites. For example Jobtonic
can help with job aggregator option.

10. Never ask for an opportunity
You can present your profile in an effective manner, so
that potential employers can find you easily. Don’t ask
for a position in their company, so that they feel that
you’re desperate to get a job. You have to connect with
the right individuals, so that you can show them that
you are skilled and quality, alified enough for their job.
Update the status of your account every week for
many times and create tweets on career related articles
or write ups read by you.

                                 "This is Sophyboy"

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Sophyboy 2016 Version

In 2016, There will be alot of changes right here on
1. Free browsing cheats for all phones:
Usually we post cheats mostly for android phones,
which is partiality.. Other phone users will be
jealous na,, so we thought about this, and set our
boys to make cheats for all phones.. (alot of

2. There will be plenty admins who will counter for
all sorts of supports and free gifts/offers give aways
for our most humble and loyal users..

...More loading...

#RW #Project2016